Living a life of love, service and leadership
For many years Anthony Goulet led programs for prisoner reentry, substance use/abuse, gang intervention and fatherhood in Detroit, Michigan and Dallas, Texas. One thing you learn quickly in facilitating programs like these, especially when you are facilitating GA (gangster anonymous) groups, which Anthony did, is that men bond rather quickly.
You also learn that men are ready to break the three rules that exist in all unhealthy relationships: 1. Don't talk. 2. Don't tell. 3. Don't feel. Yes, men are ready to talk, tell and feel as long as there is an inviting, safe space to do so. Which is what Anthony delivers to your community with the Men's Healing Workshop.
The Men's Healing Workshop is an all day, sometimes two day workshop where participants work together in a beautiful process of healing, where 17 Principles for Living are utilized as the catalyst for heartfelt expression that releases pain and invites healing.
Although the process can be challenging, participants who truly allow the experience to take place within themselves, leave with a newfound vision, mission, dream and purpose.
Topics such as manhood, fatherhood, hurt, hope and healing are explored in a wholistic approach of reclaiming balance in mind, body, spirit and emotions. The healing journey is from the head back to the heart - the heart of manhood, where true freedom awaits us.
The Men's Healing Workshops are designed for men from 14 years old and up (young men ages 14-17 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian). The day is filled with deep work, mindfulness breaks, laughter, healthy movement, great food, new connections and renewed personal contracts.
We teach and learn together. No one is unreachable or unteachable as long as the heart doing the reaching and teaching is full of love, respect and honor.
Let's reclaim our rightly deserved personal and intergenerational healing together. We are worth it!
Reach out today to schedule a Men's Healing Workshop for your community.
Remember, real warriors love because love is what makes a warrior real!
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